predesign, conceptual, planning, architecture,
interior design, space planning and consulting


Architectural Services in St. Catharines

Listed here are the many architectural Services that Joseph G A Colonna Architect INC can offer you, your live in the St.Catharines area.  Please do not hesitate to call us or visit our studio if you are in need of any of the services listed below.

Ontario Pre-Design

    • Program Development
    • Site analysis
    • Land Assembly
    • Feasibility Studies
    • Authorities having Jurisdiction
    • Budget Considerations
    • Promotional and Marketing Considerations

Ontario Designs

    • Master Proposals
    • Feasibility Studies
    • Graphic Arts for promotion and marketing
    • Site Plan Studies
    • Re-Zoning Applications
    • Ontario Building Code Research
    • Authorities Having Jurisdiction
    • Handicapped Accessible Design
    • Construction Phasing
    • Budget Cost Estimates
    • Interior Design

Ontario Contract Documents

    • Working Drawings
    • Specifications
    • Schedules
    • Owner/Builder Documents
    • Design/Builder Arrangements
    • Cost Estimates and Tendering
    • Co-Consultant Co-ordinations

Ontario Contract Administration

    • Site Review
    • Progress Payment Application
    • Shop Drawing Review
    • Project Management
    • Authorities Having Jurisdiction
    • As-built Documents

Important Information

Why hire an Architect:

Few people realize how complicated it is to build – until they find themselves in the midst of building codes, zoning bylaws, contractor’s bids, materials selection etc.  The architect is the one professional who has the years of education, training, and background to guide you through the design, and construction process.  The architect will help define exactly what you want to build, and ensure that you get the most from your construction dollar.  When you embark on a construction program, you are making a commitment to a major investment.  Your architect can transform your ideas, and functional needs into a program, conceptual design, working drawings, and technical specifications from which your home will be constructed under your architect’s administration.  The question should not be “why hire an architect?” but “which architect do I hire?”

© Joseph G A Colonna Architect Inc.